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Find training and tutorials for Office 365 and Office apps, including Outlook, OneNote, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Skype for Business, and moreSinhala Video Tutorial Website, Computer Courses, ICT, Buy Training DVD and CDSearch for Sinhala video computer lessons, videos, Flash Demos, audio tutorials, softwares, fonts and other useful educational materials using our search utility isxy, Nd. Idfjka m. Kl dla. IKh fkdf,a bf. k. Yd, u isxy, fj wvh f,i. Kl dla. IKh mslt snj O j. Microsoft Education. Empowering students of today to create the world of tomorrow. Find affordable education technology and devices. Westhaghe Training Advies biedt training in Microsoft Office 365 en de Cloud. Voor de Office 365 training bekijk onze pagina. Find online or inperson courses. Find inclassroom and ondemand training on Microsoft technologies, provided by Microsoft Certified Trainers. Office 2007 training content is no longer being offered. Visit the Office Training Centerhttpssupport. OfficeTrainingCenterb8f02f81ec85. Q ud Dld mslt snj fkdf,a bf. Shlg 2. 00 wl Odjk ld,hla iys fhda mdv 1. Khla fuys wka. fldg we FOREX Trading New Lesson Series fdfrlaia fjlt odu uska wka cd,h Tiafia u. Qo,a fiu mslt sn mdvud,dj. New. Learn the fundamentals of FOREX trading Foreign Currency Exchange in Sinhala language. Todays lesson What is FOREX Trading Published on November 2. Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010, and since that time Oracles hardware and software engineers have worked sidebyside to build fully integrated systems and. PM. View Lessons. About GURULK. COMGURULK. COM is an E Learning project, Sinhala educational web site, which enables Sri Lankan community to explore the world of Information Technology. Its primary objective is to provide free but quality information and communication technology computer education to every Sri Lankan. This website resides more than thousand educational Sinhala video tutorials and screencasts related to various computer subjects. Learning computer related subjects through live Sinhala videos and demonstration have shown better results in learners, who find it easy to understand the concepts by watching real time screen recordings. Developing computer skills of the nation has become very important aspect of the overall development of the countrys economy and its social development. Therefore GURULK. COM would like to contribute something to the development process of the ICT education in Sri Lanka. I as an e trainer believe this would encourage other educators to find new methods in teaching and contribute those to the development process of the nations education system. The Localization in IT industry has become very important in the process of its development. Every person in the society should have access to information technology and its related services. Using local languages to introduce new technology has proven better results. GURULK. COM is an attempt of an ICT localization in Sri Lanka. Through this web site I try to teach ICT in Sinhala language. I suppose that would be benefited to most people who want to learn computing. This has become the primary objective of the e learning project. Secondarily, I hope learners would be encouraged to use the World Wide Web for learning activities. E learning has become one of the main streams of learning in the western world and in developed nations. So using the internet for learning would become more popular among our people too. This also let people to share their knowledge and resources more effectively. Q,sl mrud hka jkafka f dr re dla. IKh jeks ixl. SK Ihla isxy, Nd. Idfjka irlt wdldrhg isxy, f are. Sis Nd. Idj iu. fndfyda g noa. O we s f dr re dla. IKh yd m. Kl mslt sn Ih lre. Kq isxy, Nd. Idfjka iudc. Q,sl mrud hkaf. IKhg fndfyda ria uqo,a ho lr f dr re dla. IKh bf. k. fkdyels iudchlg tu jrmido wys h. Eu je,elau Wfoid islrkq ,nk iudc iq. Nid. Ok j. Hdm. D shla f,i. IKh bf. k. ek. Sug fmlt u wmg iudcfha oelsh yels f iy slm md. Gud,d iy maf,daud md. Gud,d j. Yfhka f,an, fhdod f. Kl md. Gud,d uqo,g ls. KSu isf fuu md. Gud,dj,ska je mud. Khlu W. kajkq ,nkafka f dr re dla. IKh yd inkao b d u. Q,sl Ih lre. Kq mu. KS b d iq md. Gud,d ix. LHdjl mu. Kla rula fyda ixl. SK Ih lre. Kq b. Gud,d fidhd. Su mjd wo b d wmyiq l j. Hhls wfkla ldr. Kh jkafka fndfyda fokd m. Kl md. Gud,d f dard. Gud,d wka. h mslt sn yye wjfnda. Ohla fkdue sjh tneka fndfydag wl uqo,la f. Tng bf. Sug isj we af a f dr re dla. IKh yd inka. O u. Q,sl Ih lre. Kq mu. KS. re fj wvh Tiafia fkdf,au Tng f dr re dla. Download The Settlers 7 Paths To A Kingdom Crack Cocaine. IKh yd inka. O u. Q,sl Ih lre. Kq bf. Sug yelshdj ,e we tneka jrg a Tng u. Q,sl Ih lre. Kq bf. Sug uqo,a ho lsug wj. YHh fkdf tu uqo,a Tng jvd ixl. SK Ih fldgia bf. Su iyd ho llt yels f fujeks miqula lt m. Kl md. Gud,d mj ajdf. OHhdmksl wdh k j,g jrg a mylt ugj, u. Q,sl Ih lre. Kq wka. Gud,d uqo,g ls. KSu wmyiq fjkq we tneka Tjqkag ukaf. Gud,dj,. Kd dul nj je lsug isjkq we th wm rf f dr re dla. IK oekqu mjOkh lsu iyd fnfyka odhl f hehs is sh yel1. Khla wka. lr we s. Tng f dr re dla. IKh mslt sn jvd ixl. SK Ih lre. Kqo fkdf,au bf. Sug wjia dj i,id we bfha jrg a jvd ixl. SK yd ldf,da mdv Tn fj bm a lsug wms n,dfmdfrd a fjuqLatest Sinhala Video Lessons and Computer Tutorials. Information about our latest Sinhala video lessons and computer tutorials are tweeted on our Twitter page. Please follow us on Twitter to get the latest updates of our site. Use the following list to find our latest tutorials that are published daily. Sug my we s gqg f dr re Nd d lrkak km d mlt lrkq ,nk mdv fidhd. Sug th Wmldr fjkq we tfukau wmf. Kqu yd inkao fuka km d f dr re Tnf. SMS u. skao ,nd. yels fLatest News. GURULK implements multi screen fully mobile supported responsive interface and design. New lesson format introduces fuu kj wdl. D sh u. ska idudk. Hh fhda mdvul Od djhg jvd 7. Khla ord. yels fhda mdv ksud. Kh lsug yelshdj ,ef read more. How to install Microsoft Windows XP, 7 and 8. Windows XP and Windows 7 are the most commonly used Microsoft operating systems. But most users dont know how to install these operating systems. These sinhala video lessons will guide them to install Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems without any hassle. Windows XP Installation Guide. Windows 7 Installation Guide. Windows 8 Installation Guide. GURULK. COM Introduces Open Source Software to Sri Lankan ICT Community One of the primary objectives of this e learning portal is to bring FOSS Free and Open Source Software closer to Sri Lankan ICT community. Keeping this in mind we have already introduced various types of open source application, frameworks and operating systems through the web site. Followings are some of those FOSS that we have introduced in resent past. Blue. Fish Multi purpose text editor developed by opensource. It is a powerful text editor targeted towards programmers and web designers. Aptana Studio Is the industry leading web development environment that combines powerful authoring tools for HTML, CSS, and Java. Script. Audacity Open source audio editor for recording, slicing, and mixing audio. It is equipped with industry standard audio filters and effects. Avidemux A free multi format, cross platform video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. Virtual. Box A free open source x. Sun Microsystems. Ubuntu Commercially sponsored Debian derived Linux distribution that focuses on usability. It is one of the most popular Linux type operating system in the world. Joomla Worlds most popular Content Management System and PHPMy. SQL based framework. Word. Press Worlds most popular PHPMy. SQL based blogging framework. How to Install WAMP Server. Learn how to install WAMP Windows, Apache, My. SQL, PHP server to your computer. Microsoft Office Training 2007 Courses U© 2017