Microsoft Connect is a developer event from Nov 1517, where plenty of announcements are made. Here is a summary of the data platform related announcements. Welcome to the Citrix Community page where you can connect with experts and join the conversation about Citrix technologies. OData, short for Open Data Protocol, is an open protocol to allow the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way. Adobe Cold. Fusion WikipediaCold. Fusion redirects here. For the programming language, see CFML. Adobe Cold. Fusion is a commercial rapid web application developmentplatform created by JJ Allaire in 1. The programming language used with that platform is also commonly called Cold. Fusion, though is more accurately known as CFML. Cold. Fusion was originally designed to make it easier to connect simple HTML pages to a database. By Version 2 1. 99. IDE in addition to a full scripting language. OvervieweditOne of the distinguishing features of Cold. Fusion is its associated scripting language, Cold. Fusion Markup Language CFML. Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010, and since that time Oracles hardware and software engineers have worked sidebyside to build fully integrated systems and. CFML compares to the scripting components of ASP, JSP, and PHP in purpose and features, but its tag syntax more closely resembles HTML, while its script syntax resembles Java. Script. Cold. Fusion is often used synonymously with CFML, but there are additional CFML application servers besides Cold. Fusion, and Cold. Fusion supports programming languages other than CFML, such as server side Actionscript and embedded scripts that can be written in a Java. A Wiki with skins, plugins, XMLRPC remote API, portlet integration, statistics, RSS feeds, PDF exporting, and WYSIWYG editing. The content you requested has already been retired. It is available to download on this page. Moved Permanently. The document has moved here. C C Programmiersprache IT C Country X. Adressierung, Land IT C Kohlenstoff Chemisches Element C Kollektor Transistor Elektronik C privater Konsum. Script like language known as CFScript. Originally a product of Allaire and released on July 2, 1. Cold. Fusion was developed by brothers Joseph J. JJ and Jeremy Allaire. In 2. 00. 1 Allaire was acquired by Macromedia, which in turn was acquired by Adobe Systems Inc in 2. Cold. Fusion is most often used for data driven websites or intranets, but can also be used to generate remote services such as REST services, websockets, SOAPweb services or Flash remoting. It is especially well suited as the server side technology to the client side ajax. Cold. Fusion can also handle asynchronous events such as SMS and instant messaging via its gateway interface, available in Cold. Fusion MX 7 Enterprise Edition. Main featureseditCold. Fusion provides a number of additional features out of the box. Main features include Simplified database access. Client and server cache management. Client side code generation, especially for form widgets and validation. Conversion from HTML to PDFData retrieval from common enterprise systems such as Active Directory, LDAP, SMTP, POP, HTTP, FTP, Microsoft Exchange Server and common data formats such as RSS and Atom. File indexing and searching service based on Apache Solr. GUI administration. Server, application, client, session, and request scopes. XML parsing, querying XPath, validation and transformation XSLTServer clustering. Task scheduling. Graphing and reporting. Simplified file manipulation including raster graphics and CAPTCHA and zip archives introduction of video manipulation is planned in a future releaseSimplified web service implementation with automated WSDL generation transparent SOAP handling for both creating and consuming services as an example, ASP. NET5 has no native equivalent for lt CFINVOKEWEBSERVICEhttp hosttempconf. METHODCelsius. 2FahrenheitTEMPtempcRETURNVARIABLEtempf 6Other implementations of CFML offer similar or enhanced functionality, such as running in a. NET environment or image manipulation. The engine was written in C and featured, among other things, a built in scripting language CFScript, plugin modules written in Java, and a syntax very similar to HTML. The equivalent to an HTML element, a Cold. Fusion tag begins with the letters CF followed by a name that is indicative of what the tag is interpreted to, in HTML. E. g. lt cfoutput to begin the output of variables or other content. In addition to CFScript and plugins as described, CFStudio provided a design platform with a WYSIWYG display. In addition to Cold. Fusion, CFStudio also supports syntax in other languages popular for backend programming, such as Perl. In addition to making backend functionality easily available to the non programmer, version 4. Apache Web Server and with Internet Information Services. Other featureseditAll versions of Cold. Fusion prior to 6. Microsoft Visual C. This meant that Cold. Fusion was largely limited to running on Microsoft Windows, although Allaire did successfully port Cold. Fusion to Sun. Solaris starting with version 3. The Allaire company was sold to Macromedia, then Macromedia was sold to Adobe. Earlier versions were not as robust as the versions available from version 4. With the release of Cold. Fusion MX 6. 0, the engine had been re written in Java and supported its own runtime environment, which was easily replaced through its configuration options with the runtime environment from Sun. Version 6. 1 included the ability to code and debug Shockwave Flash. Release historyedit1. July 0. 2 Allaire Cold Fusion version 1. Allaire Cold Fusion version 1. November Allaire Cold Fusion version 2. June Allaire Cold Fusion version 3. January Allaire Cold Fusion version 3. November Allaire Cold. Fusion version 4. Cold and Fusion to make it Cold. Fusion1. 99. 9 November Allaire Cold. Fusion version 4. June Macromedia Cold. Fusion version 5. May Macromedia Cold. Fusion MX version 6. Updater 1 build 6,0,0,5. Updater 2 build 6,0,0,5. Updater 3 build 6,0,0,5. July Macromedia Cold. Fusion MX version 6. Updater 1 build 6,1,0,8. February 0. 7 Macromedia Cold. Fusion MX 7 build 7,0,0,9. September 2. 7 Macromedia Cold. Fusion MX 7. 0. 1 build 7,0,1,1. June 2. 8 Macromedia Cold. Fusion MX 7. 0. 2 build 7,0,2,1. July 3. 0 Adobe Cold. Fusion 8 build 8,0,0,1. April 0. 3 Adobe Cold. Fusion 8. 0. 1 build 8,0,1,1. October 0. 5 Adobe Cold. Fusion 9 build 9,0,0,2. July 1. 3 Adobe Cold. Fusion 9. 0. 1 build 9,0,1,2. May 1. 5 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 build 1. May 3. 1 Adobe Cold. Fusion 9. 0. 2 build 9,0,2,2. August 3. 1 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 1 build 1. September 1. 1 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 2 build 1. October 1. 6 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 3 build 1. November 0. 2 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 4 build 1. November 1. 9 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 5 build 1. December 1. 1 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 6 build 1. January 1. 5 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 7 build 1. February 2. 7 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 8 build 1. Apr 1. 0 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 9 build 1. May 1. 4 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 1. July 0. 9 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 1. November 1. 2 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 1. November 2. 1 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Mandatory Update build 1. Not needed if you already have Update 8 or later installed. January 1. 0 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 1. October 1. 4 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 1. December 9 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 0 Update 1. April 2. 9 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 1 build 1. September 2. 2 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 1 Update 192. October 1. 4 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 1 Update 2 1. December 9 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 1 Update 3 1. November 1. 7 Adobe Cold. Fusion 1. 1 Update 7 1. February 1. 6 Adobe Cold. Fusion 2. 01. 6 release build 2. May 1. 0 Adobe Cold. Fusion 2. 01. 6 Update 1 1. Sqldatasource Update Parameters Code Behind Pages. June 1. 4 Adobe Cold. Fusion 2. 01. 6 Update 2 1. October 7 Adobe Cold. Fusion 2. 01. 6 Update 3 1. VersionseditCold Fusion 3. Version 3. 1 brought about a port to the Sun Solaris operating system. Cold Fusion studio gained a live page preview and HTML syntax checker. Cold. Fusion 4editCold Fusion moniker renamed simply as Cold. Fusion possibly to distinguish it from Cold fusion theory. Cold. Fusion 4. 5editVersion 4. Java objects, execute system commands, and talk directly to a Java EE server. Cold. Fusion 5editFirst release from Macromedia after the Allaire Corporation acquisition.
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