Before digging, call 1 8. DIGSAFE to determine the location of buried utilities. Depending on the depth of the footer, which is where the old drain tile lies, you may get by digging a simple ditch around the foundation, or you may have to dig curbs to keep the ditch from collapsing. When you get your permit, the building department will let you know if you have to take safety precautions. Installing New Drain Tile. After sweeping debris off the footer, which is about 8 inches wide, run the new drain tile pipe, starting at the sump bucket and ending at the sump bucket. The perforated pipe sits on the footer, next to the foundation. Drainage%20Pump%20Station.png/@@images/ceb6c200-3063-424b-a70c-a03c86d29894.png' alt='Drain Tile And Pump Installation' title='Drain Tile And Pump Installation' />If necessary, you can brace the pipe in place with a few bricks. Your best bet is to use one continuous length of drain tile pipe. If thats not feasible, splice the pipe as directed by the drain tile manufacture. Test the sump pump by pouring water into the bucket slowly. If the pump is old or worn, this is the time to replace it. Filtering and Backfill. Images/SumpPumpGrade05.jpg' alt='Drain Tile And Pump Installation' title='Drain Tile And Pump Installation' />This extensive guide will help you pick the best tile saw for your exact use cases. So, consider reading these reviews once before deciding on one. The best way to ensure that the new drain tile will continue to function for years to come is to provide an adequate filtering system now. Fill around, and on top of, the new drain tile with at least 1 foot of clean rocks. Optimally, the rocks should be about 12 to 34 inches in diameter. Avoid pea gravel or any type of rock that contains soil or sand. Backfill the remainder of the trench with the excavated soil. Protect Your Drain Tile. The new drain tile should protect your foundation for decades, but it makes sense not to overtax it. Slope your yard with at least a 2 percent grade away from your foundation. Install gutters and downspouts to carry rainwater away from the foundation and remove foundation plantings that require frequent watering. About the Author. Glenda Taylor is a contractor and a full time writer specializing in construction writing. The Guide to SumpPump Problems DIY Guy Merle Henkenius article Installing a Sump Pump generated a tremendous amount of reader mail. And although we cant address. She also enjoys writing business and finance, food and drink and pet related articles. Her education includes marketing and a bachelors degree in journalism from the University of Kansas.