SDK Build Tools Release Notes. Android SDK Build Tools is a component of the Android SDK required for. Android apps. Its installed in the. You should always keep your Build Tools component updated by downloading the latest version. Change Android Sdk PathAndroid SDK Manager. If youre using. Android plugin for Gradle 3. To. use a different version of the build tools, specify it using. Tools. Version. in your modules build. Tools. Version 2. The sections below provide notes about releases of the Build Tools. To determine which. Build Tools are available in your SDK, refer to the Installed Packages. Android SDK Manager. Build Tools, Revision 2. October 2. 01. 7In addition to general bug fixes, this release includes the following updates Updates apksigner to version 0. Compatibility with Java 9. Issue 3. 71. 37. New pass encoding parameter to handle keystores and keys that are encrypted. ASCII passwords. If you switch to Java 9 and apksigner fails to. For more information, see the. Better error message when apksigner cant verify a JAR signature due to. Issue 6. 35. 25. Android Sdk Manager Change Sdk Path Macepa SenegalSee Installing the Android SDK for. Android SDK Tools directory. Android SDK Manager Tools Manage AVDs menu item to. Moving Android SDK folder. Obviously Id also have to change the location of the SDK in. Modify the Path registry variable to match the path to your Android SDK. Support for AAPT2 daemon mode when using. Android plugin for Gradle. Build Tools, Revision 2. July 2. 01. 7In addition to general bug fixes, this release restores apksigner. Adds PKCS 1. 1 support to allow signing with keys held in secure hardware. Issue 3. 71. 40. Adds support for loading additional. JCA Providers. before signing. Honors android target. Sandbox. Version when. APKs. When signing, rejects APKs with files that include CR carriage return, LF line feed. NUL null special characters in the file name. Fixes apksigner. bat to correctly handle parameters containing spaces. Issue 3. 81. 32. Fixes a bug in JAR signature verification when multiple digests are present for the same. MANIFEST. MF. Issue 3. Build Tools, Revision 2. June 2. 01. 7Adds support for building with API level 2. Build Tools, Revision 2. April 2. 01. 7Updates to apksigner Added in parameter for symmetry with existing out parameter. If you do not specify the key password using key pass, apksigner. However, if the key requires a. Issue 3. 71. 34. Added compatibility with jarsigner for non ASCII passwords. Issue 3. 71. 35. Build Tools, Revision 2. November 2. 01. 6This release includes bug fixes and the following. Support for APKs with obfuscated JAR entry names. MD5 fingerprints. Build Tools, Revision 2. October 2. 01. 6. Bug fixes for the Jack toolchain. Fixed issue with Jack supporting non ASCII source files. Issue. Fixed issue that causes an Assertion. Error during some. Issue. Build Tools, Revision 2. September 2. 01. 6Added apksigner, an APK signing tool to replace. By default, apksigner signs APKs. JAR signing scheme used by jarsigner. APK. Signature Scheme v. Android 7. 0 API level 2. Any. modification to an APK signed with APK Signature Scheme v. Thus, APK post processing, such as zipalign, must. Invoking. zipalign before apksigner works fine because. APK alignment and compression. Build Tools, Revision 2. March 2. 01. 6Fix issues in the Render. Script. Support Library on arm. Fix issues in the Render. Script. Support Library on certain Jelly Bean devices. Support renderscript. Target. API 2. 1 when using Android. Plugin for Gradle, Revision 2. Build Tools, Revision 2. November 2. 01. 5Improved the merging performance of the dx tool. Fixed issues in the Render. Script. compiler for Windows. Build Tools, Revision 2. October 2. 01. 5Fixed issues in the Render. Script tools. Build Tools, Revision 2. August 2. 01. 5Added support for the Android 6. API level 2. 3 release. Build Tools, Revision 2. March 2. 01. 5Fixed compatibility issues with. Render. Script kernels on. Android 4. 4 API level 1. Android 4. 1 API level 1. Build Tools, Revision 2. March 2. 01. 5Added support for Android 5. API level 2. 2. Build Tools, Revision 2. February 2. 01. 5Fixed problem with building data layouts in 3. Build Tools, Revision 2. November 2. 01. 4Fixed multidex script issues. Build Tools, Revision 2. October 2. 01. 4Added multidex file support for APKs and Jack support to address the 6. K method reference. Build Tools, Revision 2. October 2. 01. 4Complete updates for Eclipse ADT to solve instability issues on Windows platforms. Build Tools, Revision 2. October 2. 01. 4Initial updates for Eclipse ADT on Windows. Please use Revision 2. Build Tools, Revision 2. October 2. 01. 4General Notes Added support for Android 5. API level 2. 1. Render. Script now supports seamless 3. API level 2. 1 and higher. Fixed issue with the Gradle build system when using the Ja. Co. Co plugin. Issue 6. Added an input list option for use with long command lines on Windows. Build Tools, Revision 2. June 2. 01. 4General Notes Added support for Android Wear. Build Tools, Revision 1. May 2. 01. 4General Notes Added zipalign to the Build Tools. Modified aapt to ignore XML files that fail to compile. Build Tools, Revision 1. March 2. 01. 4Fixed an issue with Render. Script support. Build Tools, Revision 1. February 2. 01. 4Fixed Render. Script build issues Fixed a problem with Render. Script bitcode encoding. Issue 6. 47. 75. Fixed a problem with Render. Script missing math symbols. Issue 6. 41. 10. Build Tools, Revision 1. December 2. 01. 3Fixed miscellaneous build issues Fixed support for compiling Render. Script in NDK mode with Gradle. Fixed Buffer. Overflow. Exception problem in the dx build. Issue 6. 17. 10. Build Tools, Revision 1. October 2. 01. 3Added support for Android 4. API level 1. 9 build targets. Build Tools, Revision 1. September 2. 01. 3Fixed several minor build issues. Build Tools, Revision 1. September 2. 01. 3Fixed issue with Render. Script support mode. Build Tools, Revision 1. July 2. 01. 3Added support for Android 4. API level 1. 8 build targets. Build Tools, Revision 1. May 2. 01. 3Initial release. General Notes Included support for Android 4. Keygen Generator For Any Software Downloader here. API level 1. 7 build targets. Decoupled the build specific components of the Android SDK from the platform tools.