Arduino and Java. See page history for list of all contributors. Overview. The Arduino IDE itself is written in Java, and it can communicate to the serial port via. You can use the JArduino JavaArduino library, which provides a Java API to control your Arduino using serial port using a USB cable, or wireless devices behaving. This Wiki is intended to be by and for RXTX users and developers. Install Cydia Apps Without Respring Reboot there. There is already a lot of information provided, but feel free to add your own content. How to Make Musical Floppy Drives 7 Steps with PicturesMy brother posted a video about this on facebook almost a year ago. Some old floppy drives playing Bachs masterpiece Toccata Fugue and it got me really interested. So I read about it when the author posted a how to on his blog and did a couple of tweaking using Sammy. IAms Musical Floppy program when the project gained a lot of attention. WHAT YOU NEED1 Arduino Ideally, you need the Arduino UNO but any Arduino would work. You just need to tweak something in the program with the pin assignments. In this mini project however, I used Duemilanove. It works almost accurately as Arduino UNO and I didnt have to tweak anything. Floppy DrivesDisks Any floppy drive would work but its a lot easier to use the 3. Other than that, you would only be needing to determine 3 pins from your floppy. Pin assignments are available online, particularly here. Furthermore, I was trying to acquire a 5. Home Intro Documentation Wiki Report Bugs Gifs HOWTO Projects Changes Credits Links Download Hierarchy Install Mail List Support License Porting CVS CommAPI. Wed Feb. I said never mind about that. As a result, this project is composed only of the 3. You also need some floppy diskettes for this project. Power Supply Again, it depends on you. You can use any 5 volt power supply available but since an ATX power supply is just lying around at home, I conveniently used it instead. CAT5 UTP Cable Only because of the wires. I want my wires to be color coded. Breadboard If you want a solderless free project. Soldering IronLead For soldering the pins you would need to connect your CAT5 UTP cable to, but if you still have the flat ribbon cable then good for you. Might as well use that to make it easier. Cutter, PhillipsFlathead screwdrivers For dismantling purposes.