Step by step guide to Android development with Eclipse. In this tutorial, you will learn to create a simple application of a game we all used to play when we were kids, Rock Paper Scissors. As easy as it might seem, it requires some hard work on your part before you can create an app that runs without errors. If you are reading this tutorial, it means you are probably new to the Android app development field. Choosing your Java IDE Compare Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA for features, usability, and project size and type. The solar eclipse is rapidly approaching and, for the towns that happen to be in the narrow 70mile band of best observation, this means gearing up for quite the. Eclipse is probably best known as a Java IDE, but it is more it is an IDE framework, a tools framework, an open source project, a community, an ecosystem, and a. Theres going to be a solar eclipse on August 21, but its probably too late to book a hotel in the path of totality where the moons shadow will totally block. Cq3.png' alt='How To Install Hibernate In Eclipse Ide Mac' title='How To Install Hibernate In Eclipse Ide Mac' />Create applications in this stepbystep tutorial on setting up Android development environments. Dont worry we will divide this tutorial into different parts to make it easy for you. By submitting your personal information, you agree that Tech. Target and its partners may contact you regarding relevant content, products and special offers. You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. Set up the Android development environment. Setting up Android development environment takes some time at first. It helps to make sure you dont do anything wrong to save yourself from the agony of doing the whole process again. Youre required to have Windows XP or later, or Mac OS X 1. Android application development process. Then, there are four tools that you will need and they are available on the Internet for free Java JDK5 or JDK6. Android SDKEclipse IDE for Java Developers optionalAndroid Development Tools ADT Eclipse Plugin optionalStep 1 Setup Java Development Kit JDKYou can download the JDK and install it, which is pretty easy. After that, you just have to set PATH and JAVAHOME variables to the folder where you have java and javac. Note for Windows Users If you installed the JDK in C jdk. C autoexec. bat file. PATHC jdk. 1. 6. We have a project set up with maven for resolving dependancies. It usually works fine, but now I am trying to compile and run it on a new PC and I have problem with. On Windows, extract the files from the compressed folder gwt2. On Mac or Linux, you can unpack the package with a command like unzip gwt2. PATHset JAVAHOMEC jdk. Step 2 Configure Android SDKAfter you have successfully installed the Android SDK, it is time to configure it. After installing the Android SDK, you will get a window like this Just de select the Documentation for Android SDK and Samples for SDK packages if you want to reduce the installation size and time. Click on Install 7packages to continue with the installation. You will get a dialogue box like this It will take some time to install, so in the meanwhile you could do some other task to kill the time. How long will it takeWell, it depends on the speed of your Internet connection. Once it is done, you can close the SDK manager. Step 3 Setup Eclipse IDEInstall the latest version of Eclipse. After successful installation, it should display a window like this Step 4 Setup Android Development Tools ADT Plugin. Here you will learn to install the Android Development Tool plugin for Eclipse. To do this, you have to click on Help Software Updates Install New Software. This will display the following dialogue box. Just click on the Add button as shown in the picture and add https dl ssl. When you press OK, Eclipse will start to search for the required plug in and finally it will list the found plug ins. Step 5 Create Android Virtual Device. The last step is to create Android Virtual Device, which you will use to test your Android applications. To do this, open Eclipse and Launch Android AVD Manager from options Window AVD Manager and click on New which will create a successful Android Virtual Device. Use the screenshot below to enter the correct values. Voila You have successfully created Android Application Development environment. You are now ready to create a simple Rock Paper Scissors Android App. Before we write the code, you need to know how to take input from the user. The most efficient way of taking input from the user is to use the Scanner class, which is found in the java. Scanner scanner new ScannerSystem. String input scanner. String input new ScannerSystem. I recommend using the Scanner class because it works equally well on command line as well as with Eclipse that we will use to make the Rock Paper Scissors app. Calling the Java code in Eclipse. We will save you the trouble of writing the java code for a simple Rock Paper Scissors app and use can use the code below, but you are free to use your own code if you prefer. Android Rock Paper Scissors App. RockPaperScissors. Scanner. import java. Random. public class Rock. String args. String person. Play Users play R, P, or S. String computer. Play Computers play R, P, or S. Int Randomly generated number used to determine. String response. Scanner scan new ScannerSystem. Random generator new Random. System. out. printlnHey, lets play Rock, Paper, Scissorsn. Please enter a move. Rock R, Paper. P, and Scissors S. System. out. println. Generate computers play 0,1,2. Int generator. next. Int31. Translate computers randomly generated play to. Int 1. computer. Play R. Int 2. computer. Play P. Int 3. computer. Play S. Get players play from input note that this is. System. out. printlnEnter your play. Play scan. next. Make players play uppercase for ease of comparison. Play person. Play. Upper. Case. Print computers play. System. out. printlnComputer play is computer. Play. See who won. Use nested ifs. if person. Play. equalscomputer. Play. System. out. Its a tie. else if person. Play. equalsR. Play. S. System. out. printlnRock crushes scissors. You win. else if computer. Play. equalsP. System. Paper eats rock. You lose. Play. equalsP. Play. S. System. out. printlnScissor cuts paper. You lose. else if computer. Play. equalsR. System. Paper eats rock. You win. Play. equalsS. Play. P. System. out. printlnScissor cuts paper. You win. else if computer. Play. equalsR. System. Rock breaks scissors. You lose. System. Invalid user input. Now calling the Java code in Eclipse is a tricky process and it helps to pay attention while youre doing this. Launch Eclipse and click File New Java Project. When the Create a Java Project box appears, its time to give your project a name. Click on Finish to save it and it should appear in the Package Explorer window. Then we are supposed to add a package which will contain all our package files. Click on New Java Package icon to do this, as shown in the screenshot below. Name your project and then click Finish. Now we need to add a Java Class, which is as easy as adding a Java Package. After giving it a name, make sure that the following options are checked After you create a new class, it will show up in the Work Space where you can write or copy the code. Congratulations You have just finished writing your first Java Application in Eclipse. It wasnt that difficult was itNow you need to build the application and to do this, Right Click on your Android Project and select Android Tools Export Signed Application Package. After selecting the export button, select Create new keystore and it will take you to the location where you want to save it, so give it a name and save it. Fill in all the required fields that are self explanatory and save it. You have successfully exported the apk file to your computer and you can test the app it on your android device. Testing. Testing is as important as developing the app because your app will be of no use if it doesnt run properly or shows errors. Linux Tutorial Java on Linux. Java Virtual Machines and Tools. JVMJDK Java Virtual Machines JVM and Software Development Kits SDK. Java Build Tools Java Tools Quest JProbe Profiler, Debugger, Threadalyzer. Supports Blackdown, Oracle, IBM JDKs. Quest JClass. Java components Tables, charts, graphics, database front ends, text. Supports Borland, IBM Visual Age, SUN IDEs and. NetscapeExplorer browsers. Micro Focus Dev. Partner. Distributed application, memory, performance, code coverage and. Also supports Oracle PLSQL and. Java stored procedure applications. Code. Mesh A make Java and C work together product. Sea. Gull. Software. Lega. Suite. J2. EE based, XML driven process execution and Workflow Automation framework which. J2. EE servers. Java Installers cminstall cross platform installers based on Java. Open. Installer framework for building cross platform installers. Bit. Rock Install Builder generate an installer for any platform MSWindows, Linux, Unix, Mac,. RPM integration. Supports Java applications as well as support for many other languages. Install. 4j multi platform Java installer. Flexera Install. Anywhere Multi platform Java software installation tool for software distribution. Includes JVM installation if necessary. Java Source Code Review Tools Java Test Tools JUnit Software development unit testing tool. See the Yo. Linux Java JUnit tutorial. Apache. org Gump. Continuous build and integration tool for Java. Interfaces with CVS or. Subversion. Supports Ant and Maven. Will show which check in breaks the build. Abbot Java. JUnit extension to support GUI test framework. Uses an AWT robot class. Review Java Developer Journal Apr. Pounder. sourceforge. Utility for automating Java GUI tests. Test Coverage Tools. Test coverage tools report on which parts of the code. Typical reports detail routines executed and a percentage of the code. Helps assess test reliability how effective was the test in. Ja. Co. Co JAva COde COverage tool. Works at runtime. No need to instrument code or compile your code differently. Forked from Emma with a new architecture to support these new features. I use Jo. Co. Co with Jenkins with reporting supported by the Jenkins Jo. Co. Co plugin. Has Sonar, Jenkins and Eclipse plug ins. See the Yo. Linux Jenkins and Ja. Co. Co tutorial. EMMA Coverage at line, block, method, class and package level. Cobertura. Has Sonar, Jenkins and Eclipse plug ins. Codecover. Has Eclipse plug in. Quilt. Sourceforge. JUnit Quilt. Provides Code Coverage information off of a JUnit Unit Test. Statement and Branch coverage. Operates on Java Byte code. Commercial. Clover commercial code coverage tool. Has Sonar, Jenkins and Eclipse plug ins. Installing the Java Software Developers Kit SDKJDK. Java programmers have two popular choices for a Java Development Kit JDK, also generically knowns as a Software Development Kit SDK. Open JDK the default, usually installed using Linux package managers. The primary difference being that the Oracle JDK includes some licensed enterprise monitoring tools. The core Oracle JDK compiler, JVM and essential tools are provided by and in common with the Open JDK. Installing the Open JDK. JDK Package Installation. Red HatFedoraCent. OS. yum install java 1. Server only, no GUI yum install java 1. Server only, no GUI yum install java 1. Note use the suffix x. Java on a 6. 4 bit Linux OS or i. Linux OS. JAVAHOME can be set to usrlibjvmjava 1. JDKs respectively. PATH can be set export PATHPATH usrlibjvmjava 1. PATHPATH usrlibjvmjava 1. JDKs respectively. UbuntuDebian. 6. Test your installation with the command java version. To change the default when multiple versions have been installed sudo alternatives config java. The various versions are designed to cohabitate on a single system. Installing the Oracle JDK. Oracle has various bundled Java packages available for download Java Standard Edition SE, Java Runtime Environment JRE, Software Development Kit SDK, EE Enterprise Edition, Java. FX, Netbeans IDE or just the bundle Java SE and JDK development kit, used in this example. Note that the Java Runtime Environment JRE by itself is not for software development but only a JVM to run Java applications. Download Java Standard Edition SE Software Developers Kit SDK. The Java Enterprise Edition with Glassfish application server is also available for Java web services development. The installation of multiple versions of Java on different machines will require a. CLASSPATH. Example file HOME. PATHoptjavalatestbin PATH. JAVAHOMEoptjavalatest. CLASSPATHoptjavalatestlibtools. PATHoptjavajdk. PATH. JAVAHOMEoptjavajdk. CLASSPATHoptjavajdk. PATHusrjavajdk. PATH. JAVAHOMEusrjavajdk. CLASSPATHusrjavajdk. PATHusrlibjvmjre 1. PATH. export JAVAHOMEusrlibjvmjre 1. CLASSPATHusrlibjvmjre 1. Where the following soft link is typical ln s optjavajdk. Must include. in CLASSPATH. This is necessary in 1. Note that admins often likes to preserve a common path between systems and the path optjavalatest or usrjavalatest is chosen as a default for all systems. It is then often common to generate soft links to wherever the JDK resides. Eg when using the RHEL Open. JDK. ln s usrlibjvmjava 1. Java SDK 1. 6. There is a choice of running 3. Java on a 3. 2 bit or 6. Linux platform or running 6. Java on a 6. 4 Linux bit platform. There are three options offered for the download. Install. cd optjavatar xzf Downloadsjdk 7u. This creates optjavajdk. RPM jdk 6u. 17 linux x. Install. Allow permissions to execute the binary package chmod x jdk 6u. Execute the binary package. Creates RPMs. jdk 6u. Installs RPMs to. Prefsetcinit. djexec. Derby Database support installs to optsunjavadbNote all of the sun javadb RPMs are related to Derby, the all Java database. This unpacks to a local directory. Do this in directory usrjava to get a similar installation to the RPM result usrjavajdk. Workstation Tip. This option of installing the bundle to a directory of your choice. Linux workstations as it. Java. On 6. 4 bit Linux Workstations it is typical to use a 3. Adobe Flash plug in. Also, only the 3. Java offers a browser plug in for applet support. Install to. 6. 4 bit Java usrjava6. Java usrjava. On 6. Linux platforms the 3. JDK and 6. 4 bit JDK cannot co exist when installed from the RPM bundles. 3D Boat Design Software Download. One must install one or the other but not both RPMs. You can install as many versions of the. This is where you agree to their license. Press the space bar to scroll down in More. Do you agree the the above license terms Hit the space bar to scroll through the agreement or press the letter q to skip ahead. Test program Test. Test. public static void mainString args. System. out. printlnHello world. Compile javac Test. Test. java. Note that the file name and the class name are the same. This became a. requirement back in SDK 1. The result of the compile is the file. Test. Hello world. Test. Potential Pitfall. Red Hat Enterprise Linux and other Linux systems which install GNU Java may. Sun Java installation. You may have to remove this for example RHEL4. The newer RHEL5 uses Open. JDK and is a valid Java distribution based on Java 1. Install yum install java. The Java SDK includes the following commands javac Linux Java compiler i. Byte code interpreter Java program launcher.