See this post if while installing Windows 10, you receive Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style message. When youre done, hit the above Done button to go back to the main settings screen. Select Keyboard. Select Keyboard Language. Im absolutely new to Linux. I would like to know how to install Ubuntu alongside the preinstalled Windows 8 OS. Should I do it with Wubi, or through the Live USBDVD Im currently pulling out hairs about a problem with my wifes new Samsung Book 9 laptop. Windows 8. She wants Windows 7 Pro. Ive. The error code may appear when you try to update your Windows. Lets see how to fix 0x80070490 on your Windows vista 7 8 8. Adobe After Effects Cs4 Crack Windows Xp on this page. On the next step click the Language Support menu and configure your system Language. After you finish language settings, hit the Done button again to go back. Select Language Support. Select to Install Language. The next step is to configure your Installation Sources. If you are installing the system from a local DVDUSB media, then you can skip this step. This step is only required if your using as an network installation method from an PXE server or you have an extra storage on hard drive with an Cent. OS ISO image. The installation media DVDUSB should be automatically detected by the installer. Configure Installation Source. Select Installation Source. On the next step hit the Software Selection menu in order to choose your installation environment. Form here you can choose a minimal installation type only command line or a Graphical Installation with your favorite Desktop Environment. If the machine is not destined to be a server you can also optate for a server with GUI, then choose a complete Gnome Desktop Environment from the left filed with the following Add Ons Gnome Applications, Internet Applications, Legacy X Window System Compatibility, Office Suite and Productivity, and Compatibility Libraries. If you want to develop applications and secure your system, then, also, check Development Tools and Security Tools. The same Add Ons also apply in case you want to use KDE Plasma Desktop Environment. Once youre done with system environment hit Done button to move forward with the installation settings. Software Selection. Mark Software for Installation. The next step is the most important one, because you will now configure your system partitions. Hit the Installation Destination menu, check your hard drive, choose the I will configure partitioning option, then hit Done to proceed further with the manual disk partition. Select Installation Destination. Select Installation Drive.