Fantastic Four 1994 Animated SeriesThe film begins with Reed Richards Alex HydeWhite and Victor Von Doom Joseph Culp as close. The Fantastic Four is an independent superhero film completed in 1994. Executive produced by lowbudget specialist Roger Corman and Bernd Eichinger who went on to. Fantastic Four 1994 TV series Fantastic Four, also known as Fantastic Four The Animated Series, is the third animated television series based on Marvels comic book series of the same name. Airing began on September 24, 1994, until ending on February 24, 1996. The series ran for 2 seasons, with 13 episodes per season, making 26 episodes in total. The Fantastic Four 1994 is an unreleased lowbudget superhero film completed more than a decade before Fox released their own big budget blockbuster. This unreleased 1994 version of the Fantastic Four may be known as one of the worst superhero films of all time to some, but to me, without its horribly low budget. Find great deals on eBay for fantastic four 1994 and fantastic four 1994 movie. Shop with confidence. This is from the 1st Fantastic Four 1994 movie which was never officially released and has been denied existence. Fantastic Four 1994© 2017